Heat Pumps & Combination Heat Pump/ Air-Conditioner Units


How the Tosca Therma works:​
​How the Tosca Therma works:​
The system is designed to work in three modes, hot water only, hot water and indoor cooling and Hot water and indoor heating.
Available unit options are:
3.3 kw heat pump
4.6 kw heat pump
6.5 kw heat pump plus
Shower at a third of the cost & get the air-conditioning function FREE of charge!
When water and air-conditioning capacity is combined, the intelligent Tosca heat pump/air conditioner has a COP rating of over 6.4. This means for every Watt power input, it generates 6.4 Watts of output, unlike electrical geysers that have a COP of less than 1.0. When the Tosca Therma heat pump is used for water heating only and the air-conditioning is off ,it still has a COP rating of 3.5. This results in savings of 74% but when the free air conditioner is added, it increases to 80% saving and becomes one of the most efficient devices available today.
*A further advantage is that the dehumidified and filtered air from the indoor unit will assist other appliances such as fridges, tumble dryers and other air conditioners in the home in using less energy. It is possible to harvest the H2O from the unit to use as potable or flushing water.
Tosca Therma combo’s master function is hot water generation with free indoor cooling. During the cooling function the heat removed from the indoor space is transferred to the hot water cylinder and it is capable of reaching temperatures of up to 70 deg C. During winter months the unit can be used as a very efficient hot water and space heating. The system controller monitors on a continuous basis, checking the temperature three times a day. If the temperature falls below the required set point it will switch the unit onto heat pump mode, until it reaches 55 deg C.
In summary, the combo system offers an air conditioning function and a simultaneous hot water heating system, at 60 - 70% better cost efficiency than a traditional electric geyser. With the inclusion of a solar function the cost of producing hot water is further reduced, as the need for the heat pump function is limited to a top-up only. The heating function in winter months is also 60 to 70 % more efficient than traditional electric heating. In a household with an electric geyser, an air conditioner and electric heating the total kw for these 3 appliances will be approximately 8 kw. The Tosca Therma Hybrid unit uses only 1,3 kw (tt 3.3hpac)

Why Buy Tosca Therma + A/C Systems?
Water Heater Benefits​
Cheap to run
Ozone friendly refrigerant
No unsightly roof panels, unless solar is used
No lifestyle changes necessary
No cracked pipes in Winter
No low pressure problems
Not necessarily sun dependent
Links to existing geysers/hot water cylinders
Can be retrofitted
Air -Conditioner Benefits
Super efficient 6.4 COP
73% energy saving on hot water*
80% energy saving in hybrid mode*
Up to 18000 Btu bonus cooling
Up to 3600 Btu free dehumidification
Increased efficiency of other appliances
Intelligent user control with 24 hr timer
Added air filtration
FREE H2O can be harvested and utilised